Many times business owners fall into established routines in their day-to-day. Every so often workflow processes and procedures should be evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness. This is doubly true when it comes to using technology. iPhones in particular have had many different iterations and, as one TikTok user discovered, the charging habits we used to know don’t apply to the latest generation of phones. The big secret he revealed was that you should leave your phone unplugged when possible overnight, and only charge the phone when it’s below 20% battery charge left. This reduces the amount of charging cycles on the phone and extends battery life. There are 5 important lessons to be learned from this technique that can be applied to running a business.
1. Evaluate your workflows regularly
Just like plugging in your phone when you sleep was the logical step when cell phones first became ubiquitous in the early 2000’s, many workplaces follow established routines they picked up from just being in the workforce over the years. Many times, there are no deliberate considerations as to how workers interact with the tools and technology that are available as an employee. The person is hired, set in front of a computer, and left to their own after minimal training. Tips and tricks should be shared throughout the company periodically to promote communication and efficiency among colleagues. Just because someone has always done something one way, doesn’t mean it’s the best or even practical. Documenting job’s by deliverables and establishing a workflow diagram should be considered if no current documentation exists.
2. Invest in technology that is productive
Don’t throw money at a problem and expect it to solve workplace performance concerns. With SAAS models for software now being the norm, each tool should be evaluated on its merits and function. A good example would be forcing all employees to join a chat app when email already serves this function. More apps may simply end up adding more systems employees have to log into and check before they begin their work day. Each piece of technology should have a clearly defined role in the organization.
3. Don’t be afraid to try something new
With that being said, don’t be afraid to switch up employees routines if there is efficiency to be gained. If data entry can be eliminated or communication is automated, employees are now free to take on neglected tasks or service more customers. Chat apps, in some business models, may actually improve employee communication where emails get ignored.
4. Outsource work to experts or specialists
In your workflow evaluation, always consider the best use of employee time. It may make sense for a business owner to take care of the bookkeeping and data entry for accounting to save money, but that time could have been spent acquiring new customers or servicing current customers. There is an opportunity cost for the time spent doing the administrative tasks of the business. Look for cloud-based advisors or bookkeepers. They will be able to do the bookkeeping and accounting faster and more accurately. Reports should be included as a standard service so time can be spent planning the strategic goals of the company rather than the data entry of the accounting.
5. Stay current on feature webinars for your office’s technology
The last item that was pointed out by how to charge your iPhone was a feature that was available in the settings of the phone. There is no way a normal person generally knows all the settings and options when setting up a smartphone. It’s the same in accounting, CRM, and other business software. The only way to stay current is to make an effort to certify members of your staff on the latest updates and features of the technology stack your company is using. This is another advantage of outsourcing to an experienced cloud accounting company. Their staff will be familiar with all the new features, as they would typically be required to maintain certification to keep their partner status with the software. This knowledge is then passed on to business owners in the form of better service.
In conclusion, when it comes to technology in your business, stay current with updates, and don’t be afraid to try something new. As a busy business owner, you may no longer find you have the time to evaluate every new software tool. In that situation, consider finding an outsourced expert to help add a new perspective and some leverage to your company by completing administrative tasks more effectively and efficiently. Evaluate and document your workflow processes for areas of improvement. By learning from these tips your business won’t get stuck in a rut and improve on meeting your companies financial goals.
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