American Bar Association hosts firmTRAK

American Bar Association hosts firmTRAK

In Feb 2020, founder Rich Marvel was honored to present at the American Bar Association’s techshow.

The ABA Techshow is a rather large conference geared towards introducing those in the legal industry to various tech tools designed to help with all aspects of running a law firm. Past sponsors have included CLIO, PracticePanther, Price Waterhouse Cooper, PWC, Ruby Receptionists, Smokeball, and many others.

The ABA Techshow is held every year and lasts for five days.

More information about ABA techshow can be found here.

A link to the presentation can be found here.

Full transcript of the presentation is below.

I’m Rich Marvel. I’m the founder of firmTRAK. firmTRAK is an advanced analytics platform that provides real time data assessment of your existing law firm data.  

I created firmTRAK because I needed a quick assessment of my own law firm’s data. I needed a way that I could quickly assess my firm, and identify the areas that I could improve on, the areas I could build upon. It was important to me to have a platform that I didn’t have to buy new software. I didn’t have to train my staff because I know the gravity of change in law firms is very strong.  Especially with my team.

So how does it work? What we do is, we take your data sources, which would include QuickBooks, CLIO (which we love Jack *Newton*), and what we do is we combine it with user defined variables within our firmTRAK platform, basically transform our data into dynamic visualizations.

We call our homepage firmTRAK Visualize.  firmTRAK Visualize is a top level assessment of the movers within your law firm.  From here you can explore a variety of metrics.  We have over 150 and growing KPI’s that are presently operating. Those which include financial information, accounts receivable, basic information and we talk about employee utilization and some other aspects.  

Employee management is important for us because in law firms, I think that the most expensive resource we have is our staff.  So I think we want to quickly assess our top producers. 

Another personal issue that I have is the ability to personally identify those files that are sitting on the edge of my desk that need my attention. Those ones that I don’t like to work on. I want to be able to know when I go in for the day, which ones need my attention. There’s no task pending, there’s no appointments pending. These aren’t forgotten about. These are important and we need to follow up on these. 

You know, by enabling firmTRAK I was able to increase my own personal law firm productivity by about forty percent. And this it at the same time that the industry is telling us that we all need to make data driven decisions within our  law firms. And everyone of us, every lawyer, can implement data driven decisions by utilizing your existing systems combining it with firmTRAK so you can get better optics on your law firm. 

I appreciate the opportunity and look forward to seeing everyone at the techshow.

Thank you very much.